Wednesday, July 20, 2016

July Update

Hello all! I try not to post personal updates on here, but I felt one was needed! I apologize for the radio silence over the last couple of weeks. Unfortunately real life has gotten in the way quite a bit recently! I won't bore you with all of the details, but needless to say I have had essential no time for blogging, reading, or anything else really! The fact that hot weather tires me out and it's July in Kentucky probably doesn't help. I have had a little time for visiting some local historic sites and areas, and spent a lovely 4th of July weekend in my state's capital.

Me and friend of the blog and awesome political historian Eric in Frankfort

I normally try not to postI will soon be climbing out of the pile of stuff though, and we will hopefully be back to regularly scheduled blogs then. I have a few ideas floating around on topics:

-Why everything you think you know about the Samurai and Bushido is wrong

Takeda Shingen disapproves of this message
- Why I think the modern popular perception of the Mongols is wrong

Step 1: Mulan Step 2: South Park Step 3: Dank Memes 

- More book reviews (maybe, and hopefully shorter than my first attempt)

Yeah it's a stock image, caption guy isn't just here to amuse you people! 

-Why I root for the Lancastrians and Tudors, and why I think the Yorkists were rebel scum

Something about that Richard III guy that I just can't put my finger on...
- More funny or semi-serious Random Facts posts

Sacred Chicken Approved
-Podcast and book recommendations

If there's a topic you've been interested in recently, hit me up and I'll do a post on it!

I'd like to take a second to sincerely thank everyone out there reading. I'm getting well over 100 unique page views per post, which for a written blog on weird niche topics is... not terrible, and way more than I expected! Thank you!  I will be back soon, so stay tuned!


  1. As an awesome political historian, I'd like to hear more about your Lancastrian/Tudor love and your distaste for the Yorkist cause. No love for the white rose?

  2. Modern Mongol perceptions, please.
